This site is an always-in-progress repository for my thoughts and ideas. You'll generally find me writing about sustainability šŸƒ, urbanism šŸ™ļø, programming šŸ’¾, vegan cooking šŸ›, and whatever else pops into my mind.
Self-hosting services with Docker

My approach to a reliable self-hosting setup using Docker.


This guide is meant for the more technically adventurous amongst us. That is, those who are willing to get their hands dirty in some basic devops work in order to self-host applications on servers they own or control.

If the idea of self-hosting is intimidating to you, fear not! There are many paid hosting services that can abstract much of this complexity away from you. While I havenā€™t tried it myself, Pikapods looks like an interesting service that can automate the deployment of self-hosted applications.1 The service is from the creator of a backup service Iā€™ve used for a while now and been happy with: Borgbase.

For those of you who are still interested in the DIY method, read on!

All of the self-hosted services I use are hosted on a single server using a docker-compose file. After years of playing around with various ways of hosting applications Iā€™ve settled on this one as a reasonably simple, stable, secure, and repeatable process for keeping the services I rely on up and running. Your preferences and goals may vary from mine and I would encourage you to see this guide as a starting point. Iā€™d also love feedback and suggestions. If you find ways to improve this framework, please reach out.

Lastly, there are a few places on this page where I hand waive over the details and recommend reading the documentation. I realize that isnā€™t always the most helpful, so if you have questions or want elaboration on anything, please donā€™t hesitate to send me an email!



The general framework for my docker setup is a single folder called infra/ thatā€™s laid out like this:


Brief descriptions of what each directory/file does:

The idea of this framework is that everything necessary to run your self-hosted services live within this infra/ directory. Itā€™s all self-contained. This setup has a few advantages:

Accessing web services

Once your docker containers start spinning up, youā€™ll next need to figure out how to securely access any web interfaces. Youā€™ll generally want to access these via some convenient domain; something like Doing this will require using a publicly accessible web server that can reverse proxy requests back to your containers.

Nginx is a popular webserver used for this task, however I found its configuration and maintenance requirements to be overly complicated for the needs of a home server. Instead Iā€™ve found success in using Caddy. Itā€™s open-source, has a much simplified configuration format, and has all of the bells and whistles necessary to securely host home services.

Additionally, I recommend locking down your services even further by using a virtual networking service like TailScale or ZeroTier. You can combine the private networks created by either of these services with rules in Caddy to ensure that only devices you trust (and that exist within your private network) can access services like your photo library or file server. This is helpful for reducing the surface area available for potential hackers to exploit. If you go down this path you can still use custom domains, just make sure they point to the IP address within your private network rather than your serverā€™s publicly facing IP.


As mentioned above, a major convenience of this setup is the ease of creating backup images and restoring from them. A full restoration consists of re-cloning the infra/ repository, restoring the contents of the infra/volumes directory, and running docker-compose up on each of your containers.

I use borg, a simple command-line backup utility and BorgBase as a host for storing my backup images. Iā€™ve landed on this solution for a few reasons:

I create backups daily and keep a few weeks of daily snapshots, a few months of monthly snapshots, and a yearly snapshot (see borg prune for details on how to set this up).

TODO: Switch to borgmatic for configuring backups. As of now Iā€™m backing up Postgres databases via their data directory. The official Postgres docs explain why this is a bad idea, and pg_dump should be preferred.

Nitty Gritty Details

Up until this point, Iā€™ve tried to avoid turning this page into a mess of configuration files and technical details. In general, Iā€™d prefer to provide a high-level overview of how things work here and leave the details up to the reader. Each of these projectsā€™ documentation will always be better written and more up-to-date than what I can provide here.

That being said, there are a few small but important tricks Iā€™ve landed on within some of my configurations that I think are worth sharing here

Configuring Docker

A typical service in my docker-compose.yaml looks like this:

    image: plexinc/pms-docker
    restart: always
    container_name: plex
    env_file: ./env/plex.env
      - TZ="America/New_York"
      - PLEX_UID=1010
      - PLEX_GID=1010
      - ./volumes/plex/config:/config
      - ./volumes/plex/transcode:/transcode
      - ./volumes/plex/Music:/data/music

A major note is that, when possible, I try to specify a UID and GID parameter to the process in order to ensure that the service is running as a user/group that my linux user has permission to access. If you donā€™t set these parameters explicitly you can end up in situations where all of the files in your ./volumes directory are inaccessible to you (a pain if you want to modify something manually) or inaccessible to the containerā€™s process (a pain if you want to upload files into a containerā€™s volume).

Adding restart: always will also save you time if your applicationā€™s process crashes or if your server goes down. See the docs for the details on the various options available here, but youā€™ll generally want something like this to prevent downtime.2

I also prefer splitting out most environment variables into separate .env files, however you can also just use the environment key if this doesnā€™t matter much to you.

Configuring Caddy

Caddyā€™s configuration file is generally pretty straightforward (see docs here). If you decide to make your services available to the internet at large, make sure you set up your services with HTTPS. If your services are only available via a private network (ie TailScale or ZeroTier) you may use HTTP, as you wonā€™t be able to procure a Letā€™s Encrypt certificate unless your IP address is publicly facing. This should still be secure, as all traffic is encrypted as it passes through TailScale or ZeroTier.

Here are examples of a couple of Caddyfile server definitions with some useful clauses:

# This will only be accessible to devices within your private network
# thanks to the @remoteUsers matcher definition. Note the http:// prefix
# which tells Caddy not to use SSL. {
    @remoteUsers {
        not remote_ip

    route @remoteUsers {
        respond "Unauthorized" 401

    reverse_proxy containername:3000

# This service is publicly accessible. Since we've omitted the http://
# from the definition, Caddy will automatically provision a Let's Encrypt
# cert and ensure that all requests are served using HTTPS. {
    reverse_proxy container2name:3000

Configuring borg

The last, and arguably the most important, item on our list is configuring borg. I wonā€™t go too in-depth on this, as borgā€™s documentation is comprehensive and very readable. However I would like to cover a couple of the unique ways I use borg in my setup.

For starters, Iā€™ve chosen to use borg within docker rather than on my host machine. This is mainly to be able to keep versions consistent if I decide to change my home serverā€™s distro. The docker-compose.yaml config looks something like this:

    image: dannyben/borg-client
      - './volumes:/volumes'
      - './backups:/repo'
      - './config/borg/id_rsa:/etc/id_rsa'
      - './config/borg/known_hosts:/etc/known_hosts'
      BORG_REPO: '[repo url/path]'
      BORG_PASSPHRASE: '[encryption passphrase]'
      BORG_RSH: 'ssh -i /etc/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/etc/known_hosts'

Notice that weā€™re only mounting and backing up the infra/volumes/ directory. It is assumed the the rest of the infra/ directory is backed up via git.

With the container definition set up, I then have a script in scripts/backup that handles creating a snapshot. Itā€™s a bit long so you can view it in its entirety here. The script handles all of the basic tasks needed to create, maintain, and restore from snapshots. My goal with writing this wrapper was to make it as foolproof as possible to backup/restore, as my brain likes to forget things that Iā€™m not using consistently over time. You donā€™t want to be stuck in a situation where youā€™re without all of your files and franticly trying to read through borg documentation to figure out how to get them back.

Iā€™d also recommend setting up a systemd timer to automatically take backups on a regular basis. I have two systemd unit files that I use:


Description=Create borg snapshot

ExecStart=/path/to/infra/scripts/backup create



Description=Periodically backs up infra

OnCalendar=*-*-* 02:00:00


You can find documentation about how to install these systemd files on the Arch wiki (which applies to any systemd-based distro).

  1. If you do end up using PikaPods, please reach out and let me know how the experience is. Iā€™d love to know if theyā€™re a service I can recommend more broadly or if it ends up being complicated or buggy.Ā 

  2. Thanks to Timo Tijhof for the feedback to add this note in.Ā